Thursday, 14 February 2008

A Funeral & Memorial: Taped messages from both sides

An extract from The Guardian today...

Hizbullah's leader today vowed to wage "open war" against Israeli targets around the world after accusing Israel of assassinating the organisation's militant commander, Imad Mughniyeh.
"You have crossed the borders," Nasrallah said in a fiery eulogy at Mughniyeh's funeral in south Beirut. "With this murder, its timing, location and method - Zionists, if you want this kind of open war, let the whole world listen: let this war be open."... said Nasrallah, speaking in a videotaped message broadcast over a giant screen at the ceremony.
...Meanwhile, thousands of anti-Hizbullah supporters poured into Beirut's Martyrs' Square for the third anniversary of the assassination of the former prime minister, Rafik Hariri.
A flame was lit and a taped message broadcast from Hariri's widow, Nazek, who lives in Paris, urging against "falling into hatred" and calling for "unity to save the country".


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